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The new Winter 2010/2011issue of "Pipeline", the CPSA online newsletter, is now available at our website (here). This issue focusses on the new precast base manhole systems manufactured by three of the UK's concrete pipeline products manufacturers. A number of case studies with information on use, installation and overall benefits are included. Our Winter issue also offers news on a number of our activities and publications in the last 12 months.
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The Concrete Pipeline Systems Association (CPSA) has published a new document to help customers ensure the safe offloading of concrete pipeline product deliveries.
Falls from vehicles and delivery accidents make up a large proportion of workplace injuries and the Guide offers advice on the risks associated with delivery and transport operations. The scope of responsibilities before, during and after products have been delivered are demonstrated and the Guide complements other industry reference documents including HSE Information Sheet WPT06 ‘Delivering safely: Co-operating to prevent workplace vehicle accidents’ and the Freight Transport Association Guide ‘Preventing Falls from Vehicles’. A PDF copy of the Guide is found here
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The revamped CPSA site now offers easier navigation, useful new material and improvements to the popular on-line Calculators for Structural Design and Material Cost comparisons.The site provides vital information relating to installation and operating costs of pipeline systems; transport, handling & installation; design & technical guidance; maintenance, integrity & durability; sustainability; innovation and details of CPSA’s CPD accredited training programme. The site contains a wealth of information on all aspects of pipeline system design, installation and operation with a full library of freely available downloads. CPSA also offer a useful eNewsletter designed to keep industry professionals up to date with recent developments. You can register via the CPSA web site.
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London CPD - As part of the Construction CPD Road Seminar Tour 2010, an extra date has been added on Wednesday 17th November 2010 at the Royal National Hotel, London.On this date, CPSA will be holding a seminar entitled Sustainable Pipeline Construction. This seminar, which explains the fundamentals of carbon accounting and the data required to produce a carbon footprint, includes a detailed analysis of pipelines and comparisons with alternative pipeline materials and installation methods and covers other issues such as responsible sourcing, resource scarcity and recyclability.
The presentation will be made by Stuart Crisp, CPSA’s Business Development Director. To ensure a place for the seminar/s you wish to attend, book online here
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The CPSA training programme for industry professionals has been extended with the launch of a new CPD accredited presentation “Embodied Carbon Emissions in Concrete and Other Pipeline Materials”. Everyone today is talking about sustainability. The UK’s pledge to reduce carbon emissions by 80% by 2050 will place immense pressure on industry to deliver. Carbon reduction and efficiency targets are appearing in all sectors. However confusion is widespread and "Carbon Accounting" can still be considered in its infancy. The new CPD presentation:
- Explains the fundamentals of carbon accounting and the data required to produce a carbon footprint
- Identifies recognized information sources and indicates limitations to the reliability of some data
- Includes a detailed analysis of pipelines and provides comparisons with alternative pipeline materials and installation methods
- Provides an overview of other environmental impacts such as responsible sourcing, recycling and embodied energy
To register your interest or to learn more about the full CPD programme click here
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