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CPD Seminar, Royal National Hotel, London

The Construction CPD RoadSeminar Tour 2015 continues in London 2nd July
CPSA will be presenting the ‘Surface water management using proprietary precast concrete SuDS systems’ seminar. This seminar provides an understanding of the legal framework driving changes in the design and construction of surface water management systems in the UK and the basic principles associated with sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) and their ownership, operation and maintenance. In this context, proprietary precast concrete SuDS components and systems will be identified and their specific uses examined.
New ICE proceedings paper

The sewerage industry needs to understand and reduce embodied carbon dioxide emissions associated with its assets in order to contribute to the national carbon dioxide reduction agenda. There are at least six recognised methodologies for calculating so-called 'carbon footprints' of construction products and tens of standard-based or adhoc calculators. With the increase in information from different sources, the use of different methodologies and the absence of representative data and data collection methods, there is a risk that inappropriate data, results or methods are used to justify crucial decisions in the sewerage sector.
This new paper presents an assessment of the problem and its impact on the reliability of embodied carbon dioxide emissions data for large diameter (>225mm) sewer pipes.
New infographic on SuDS

Spring 2015 heralds major changes in the UK for the delivery of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS). Recognising this, CIRIA’s Susdrain project has launched a new infographic on SuDS that provides a simple overview of the drivers and benefits. The ‘Going with the flow’ infographic details some of the key objectives and outcomes from a sustainable drainage approach. This includes improvements to local flood risk management, water quality, landscape amenity, and biodiversity.
The infographic is based on four case studies from both new build and retrofit examples, which demonstrate what can be achieved with early engagement and appropriate design. The case studies highlight how SuDS can manage local flood risk, enable savings in construction costs and deliver great places and spaces.
You can download the infographic here
CPSA is a Supporter of the Susdrain project, which provides a valuable range of resources for those involved in delivering SuDS. The website,, together with face-to-face seminars provides a community for sharing information, guidance and experience supporting SuDS delivery.
CPSA Storm Water Attenuation Tank Factsheet

Storm Water Attenuation Tank Factsheet
A new attenuation tank Fact Sheet has been published identifying the benefits of below ground storage of surface water within sustainable drainage systems and important factors to consider when selecting a proprietary underground tank system.
The attenuation tank Fact sheet highlights the challenges of design and installation complexity, accessibility for inspection and maintenance, capital & whole life cost, longevity and sustainability. It also explains the importance of good structural design.
To download a copy of the new attenuation tank Fact Sheet click here.
New Susdrain Case Study:

SuDS solution combining Concrete Proprietary Drainage Products with Soft Landscaped Drainage Features. has published an excellent case study demonstrating the intelligent combination of vegetated components with proprietary precast concrete SuDS systems to achieve a technically valid sustainable drainage system and commercially viable housing development for Jelson Homes at London Road, Markfield, Leicestershire LE67 9UR.